When Life Is All About the ‘Little Things’

Your one little thing can turn into a life-changing moment.

Sujona Chatterjee
3 min readDec 3, 2021

“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”

— John Wooden

This December, I will have completed a year on Medium. What started as a session of pouring out my heartache turned into being part of a community that accepted me the way I am without judgment.

Along the way, as my heart healed, I was blessed with people giving me a platform to share my words. I created my little world where now I have a family that offers my emotions, wings to fly, and the courage to share.

Life is all about the little things that eventually, without our knowledge, turn into major life events. Such as –

  • That one response on a post led to a lifelong friendship.
  • That one write-up can brighten your day so much that you share your learning with another write-up.
  • That courage to leave a private note on someone’s post led to exchanging contact details and bloomed into everyday interaction.

So now you see how the smallest of things can turn into the most life-changing event.

My December ‘Little Things’ To-do List

Through all of this, I learnt that we don’t know what lies ahead. In one magic stroke of the universe, your comfort zone can be rattled. Thus, we can never get too comfortable. But what we can do is let the universe decide what is good for us while we make the most of the now.

So, I decided that in this last month of 2021, I would do little things that make me happy. The list is as follows –

  • My dear Medium friend Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, has agreed to binge-watch a fun-filled show with me. Thank you so much for doing this with me. I feel so blessed to have you in my life.
  • My junior college English teacher turned best friend, turned Medium buddy Suma Narayan and I plan to enjoy the lovely December weather in Mumbai.
  • A walk during Christmas on the streets of Mumbai is delightful as you get to see stores decorated in red, green, and white that fill your heart.
  • Spending time with myself in a cosy afternoon with a book or just aimlessly watching the street as the vehicles go by.

So, this is my December list so far.

Hopefully, I get to do them all. But here is the most important takeaway that I learnt from the past few weeks of my life.

Your life can change in an instant. What we must do is try and cherish each moment. It could be by calling someone who popped in your head while brushing your teeth. It could be ordering something that you feel like eating and enjoying without guilt. It could be taking some time off to cry your heart out to feel light. Do whatever your heart desires as we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

In this last month of 2021, let’s live each day to the fullest by doing one tiny little thing. Let’s create new memories before we bid 2021 goodbye. Let’s hug one another virtually this festive season by engaging with one another and enriching our Medium experience.

Thank you all for making my first year on Medium the best. I am grateful to every one of you.

P.S If you do make your ‘little things’ to-do list, please do share in the comments. It would give me some new ideas too. :)

Also, do read this heartwarming piece by Julia Winsa.

Thanks so much for your time!



Sujona Chatterjee
Sujona Chatterjee

Written by Sujona Chatterjee

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.

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